We are committed to conform to these codes and act fairly with the highest quality, authority and our utmost efforts, having pride as the forerunner in the industry.
We must act with awareness that the company will not be able to maintain constant progress unless it executes its responsibilities to society.
We always at least conform to the relevant rules and regulations. We must strive to refine our commitment to observing the law. When no adequate law exists, we will carry out proper management through voluntary restraint.
We will contribute to the development of science technologies and economy by providing a stable supply of reliable products, which is the company's essential reason for being.
Making efforts at preserve the environment is an obligation as humans on the earth. To be aware of environmental protection is our exact due as humans on the earth.We are practicing what we can right now to ensure eternal coexistence with this planet.
All members of the company will join together and try their best in ensuring reliable security and safety including preventing chemical contamination of local people and any employee.
To maintain peace and safety worldwide as well as within the country, we will strictly protect our chemical substances from theft. We will not sell or export them to those who might have possibility to abuse them.
We will definitely not be involved in sort of activity like a cartel or collusion, and we will carry out business based on fair and free competition and keep a sincere attitude and response to all customers and suppliers.
We strictly exclude any discrimination of race, sex, or religion under fair human resources' system. We will respect fundamental human rights and cultivate our human resources to realize a bright and wholesome work environment.
In accordance with equal human resources' system, we will actively interact with local people, join volunteer activities with them and make social contribution. We aim to be a company respected by the community.
We will disclose information with high level transparency and earnestly communicate with people associated with our company. We will not even hide information that may be disadvantageous to the company.